DataGrip license renewal in the annual model for companies and organizations.
DataGrip enterprise license - time-saving IDE and manager for SQL. Supports, among others MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, DB2, SQLite, HyperSQL, Apache Derby and H2.
If your database has a JDBC driver, you can use DataGrip.
The price is for an upgrade of any DataGrip Commercial license you have in a lifetime or annual model. Switches to an annual model and includes a year of software subscription and software updates. The license allows you to extend it after one year or stay with the version of the license that was valid at the time of purchase of this subscription.
License upgrade prices in the annual model:
- 183 EUR /2nd - by default
- 137 EUR /3 years and more - required to change the setting in the control after the Add to cart button
DataGrip is manufactured by JetBrains.
New 1-year IntelliJ IDEA commercial license