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    Generate professional, accurate, and up-to-date reference documentation for .NET and Silverlight assemblies, COM components and type libraries, web services, Java, databases (Access, SQL Server, Oracle, OLE DB), Xml schemas, and JavaScript.

    Leverage existing source comments: .NET Xml comments, type description library descriptions, database descriptions, XSD descriptions, Java source comments, JavaScript Xml or JsDoc comments can be automatically used if required.

    Create additional content in a visual editor that lets you edit inline and preview the generated page.

    Integrate the documentation you generate with the Visual Studio or Java IDE help system to provide immediate F1 access to the help you've documented.

    Publish your content online. All major browsers are supported on desktops, tablets and mobile devices. Automatically upload to Azure, IIS website, Ftp, or network.

    Type of delivery: e-mail, esd
    Delivery time: within 3 working days

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    Our store is secure and offers the safe purchase of sofware Document! X:
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    • an EU VAT invoice for the purchase of the Document! X software. You can easily book that invoice Document! X in costs.
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    From the store rules: §8. "The pictures of programs sold in the online store are their visualization", because most are electronic versions. The shop displays brutto (vat) prices and net prices. 260/5000 Shop displays prices net excluding VAT tax. If you are outside the European Union, we will not charge VAT. Also, we will not charge you VAT if you are from the EU and provide a valid VAT ID.
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    Altova Mapforce 2025 Professional
    Altova Mapforce 2025 Professional
    price for each.: 662.97EUR (539.00EUR + VAT)
    656.34EUR (533.61EUR + VAT)
    Altova Mapforce® is an award-winning, graphical, any-to-any data mapping, conversion, and integration tool. This tool maps data between any combination of XML ...
    Saturday 15 March 2025
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