Axure RP for Teams Annual License
Axure RP is a program for fast and convenient wireframe modeling, rapid prototyping, creating pre-production mockups, maint ...
Licencja ADOBE Creative Cloud for teams All Apps with Stock (wszystkie aplikacje dla firm i organizacji + zasoby) firmy Adobe na rok dla Windows lub MacOS. Mu ...
Component that generates reports from .NET applications.License for one developer.
Generate a wide variety of reports from your .NET applications (Now includ ...
Generate a wide variety of reports from your .NET applications (Now includes Visual Studio 2005 Support). ActiveReports for .NET is an enhancement of the popu ...
ComponentOne components.
ComponentOne Studio for WinForms includes a full range of components for .NET Winforms.
New license for a single developer. Include ...
ComponentOne components. ComponentOne Studio for WinRT XAML includes a complete range of components for WinRT XAML. New single developer license. Includes fre ...
ComponentOne components. ComponentOne Studio for WPF includes a complete range of components for WPF. New single developer license. Includes free updates for ...
ComponentOne components. ComponentOne Studio Enterprise includes a full range of components: Windows Web XAML New single developer license. Includes free upda ...
ComponentOne components. ComponentOne Studio Ultimate includes the full range of components: for HTML5, Windows, XAML, LightSwitch & Documentation New sin ...
ADOBE Creative Cloud for teams All Apps with Stock license from Adobe for one year for Windows or macOS. Multi language - many languages including Polish. Ado ...