The richest of the VCL and ASP.NET component packages from Developer Express for Delphi/C++ Builder.
New single developer license DevExpress VCL Subscription ...
Licencja Avast Premium Security 10 urządzeń na rok dla 10 urządzeń.
Avast Premium Security to wielokrotnie nagradzany antywirus z dodatkowymi warstwami ...
EMS SQL Manager for MySQL is a highly efficient MySQL database administration and development tool. It works with all MySQL versions from 3.23 to the latest a ...
EMS SQL Manager for Oracle is a highly efficient tool for Oracle database administration and development. It works with all Oracle versions from 3.23 to the l ...
EMS SQL Manager for Oracle is a highly efficient tool for Oracle database administration and development. It works with all Oracle versions from 3.23 to the l ...
EMS SQL Manager for PostgreSQL is a highly efficient PostgreSQL database administration and development tool. It works with all PostgreSQL versions from 3.23 ...
EMS SQL Manager for PostgreSQL is a highly efficient PostgreSQL database administration and development tool. It works with all PostgreSQL versions from 3.23 ...
EMS SQL Manager for SQL Server is a highly efficient tool for SQL Server database administration and development. It works with all SQL Server versions from 3 ...
EMS SQL Manager for SQL Server is a highly efficient tool for SQL Server database administration and development. It works with all SQL Server versions from 3 ...
SQL Query for InterBase and Firebird - Analyze and retrieve data, visually build InterBase and Firebird queries, work with InterBase and Firebird query plans, ...
SQL Query for MySQL - Analyze and retrieve data, visually build MySQL queries, work with MySQL query plans, create charts from retrieved data quickly, and mor ...
SQL Query for Oracle - Analyze and retrieve data, visually build Oracle queries, work with Oracle query plans, create charts from retrieved data quickly, and ...
SQL Query for PostgreSQL - Analyze and retrieve data, visually build PostgreSQL queries, work with PostgreSQL query plans, create charts from retrieved data q ...
SQL Query for SQL Server - Analyze and retrieve data, visually build SQL Server queries, work with SQL Server query plans, create charts from retrieved data q ...
The Radmin Help Desk License in its latest version is intended for companies offering helpdesk services to their customers.
Since it is difficult to convince ...