Mercalli jest programem do stabilizacji wideo, niezależnie od tempa akcji.
Wersja standalone dla Windows.
Nasza firma to bezpośredni dystrybutor Mercalli i firmy ProDAD w Polsce.
Opis w j.angielskim:
Now for Windows® and Macintosh® NLEs – Mercalli V2
3D video stabilization plus Rolling-Shutter-Compensation plus Zoom/Schwenk-Optimization in one complete package.
Mercalli V2 employs revolutionary new 3D video stabilization, which independently stabilizes the X, Y, and Z camera axis, delivering better post-capture video stabilization results than any other product on the market – hands down. Mercalli also employs some unique Dynamic Camera Options that lets you precisely control the level of stabilization so the character of the video is retained.
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