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    Available Options:
    UltraEdit License:

    UEStudio license for 1, 2 years (10% cheaper) or as a perpetual license.

    UEStudio is a specialized version of UltraEdit with Git development features. Take advantage of native integration of all Git branches and team collaboration features.

    Type of delivery: e-mail, esd
    Delivery time: within 2 working days

    Why choose this software store?
    Our store is secure and offers the safe purchase of sofware UEStudio:
    • Guarantee that a licence is issued for an end user for software UEStudio.
      - our experiencee assures, that the license for a UEStudio license will be correctly delivered and issued for an end user.
    • an EU VAT invoice for the purchase of the UEStudio software. You can easily book that invoice UEStudio in costs.
    • A license Certificate in a pdf file in price and for free for the UEStudio software
    • the customer-friendly privacy rules
      - no spies = no unwanted adverts
      - no unwanted mails besides order processing for UEStudio
    • purchase secure by:

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    From the store rules: §8. "The pictures of programs sold in the online store are their visualization", because most are electronic versions. The shop displays brutto (vat) prices and net prices. 260/5000 Shop displays prices net excluding VAT tax. If you are outside the European Union, we will not charge VAT. Also, we will not charge you VAT if you are from the EU and provide a valid VAT ID.
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    Saturday 15 March 2025
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