TeamViewer licencja Remote Access to pojedynczy użytkownik, 1 połączenie, 3 urządzenia docelowe.
the lowest price in the previous 30 days: 171.61EUR
TeamViewer Remote Access (remote worker) – TeamViewer license for access to 3 remote computers. You can buy more pieces of this product, then the number of devices increases (2 pieces - 6 devices).
Convenience – full access to all your files from anywhere. Fast connections and security - thanks to end-to-end encryption TeamViewer Remote Access (remote worker) is a tool for remote work. Unlike other TeamViewer licenses, which are used to connect to devices and provide remote assistance or manage a list of selected devices. For example: TeamViewer Business can connect to 200 devices, TeamViewer Remote Access to three.
TeamViewer Remote Access Specifications:
· No meetings function.
Other Teamviewer licenses:Teamviewer single user licenses:
Teamviewer Licenses for Teams: