TeamViewer licencja Remote Access to pojedynczy użytkownik, 1 połączenie, 3 urządzenia docelowe.
Comprehensive solution for remote call management.
License for the place This license allows for multiple installations of Royal TS/X or Royal Server in one location (single office), and these installations can be used by all employees working in that location (office). Please note that remote access by service technicians is also included.
Do you use terminals based on RDP, VNC, SSH, S/FTP or web interfaces?Don't worry, Royal TS has you covered!
Built-in credential management. Secure team sharing features.Share your contact list without sharing your personal credentials.
Command tasks and keystroke tasks make it easy to quickly automate repetitive tasks.SSH-based tunneling support (Secure Gateway) is tightly integrated into Royal TS.Dynamic folders allow you to dynamically import data from external sources.