TeamViewer licencja Remote Access to pojedynczy użytkownik, 1 połączenie, 3 urządzenia docelowe.
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As of September 2024, Hex-Rays IDA Pro licenses are available for sale in the following options:
We are pleased to present our flagship product, the Hex-Rays Decompiler, which brings binary software analysis within reach of millions of programmers. It converts executable programs into a human readable C-like pseudocode text.In comparison to low level assembly language, high level language representation in Hex-Rays has several advantages: concise: requires less time to read it structured: program logic is more obvious dynamic: variable names and types can be changed on the fly familiar: no need to learn the assembly language cool: the most advanced decompiler ever built!The pseudocode text is generated on the fly. Our technology is fast enough to analyze 99% of functions within a couple of seconds.Currently the decompiler supports compiler generated code for the x86, x64, ARM32, ARM64, and PowerPC processors. We plan to port it to other platforms and add a programmatic API. This will allow our customers to implement their own analysis methods. Vulnerability search, software validation, coverage analysis are the directions that immediately come to mind.The decompiler runs on MS Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. The GUI and text IDA versions are supported. In the text mode, only batch operation is available.